Municipality of Zrenjanin is one of the municipalities in Banat. It belongs to the Central Banat District. According to the data from 2002, there were 132,051 inhabitants in the municipality. The municipality occupies an area of 1.324 km² (of which 112,340 ha of agricultural land and 1.392 ha of forests are located on the agricultural land.) Zrenjanin is located on the western edge of the Banat woodland plateau, where the channeled river Begej flows into the former Tisa basin. the town of Zrenjanin lies at 20 ° 23 ‘east longitude and 45 ° 23’ north latitude, in the center of the Serbian part of the Banat region, on the banks of the River Begej and Tisa. The height of Zrenjanin is 80 meters, and in the territory of the city ranging from 77 to 97 meters.

Centar opštine je grad Zrenjanin. Opština Zrenjanin se sastoji od 22 naselja, od kojih nekoliko leži na obali Tamiša:

The city center is the city of Zrenjanin. The municipality of Zrenjanin consists of 22 settlements, some of which lie on the coast of Tamis:

Melenci, Taraš, Jankov Most, Elemir, Klek, Aradac, Banatski Despotovac, Knićanin, Lazarevo, Botoš, Lukićevo, Ečka, Lukino Selo, Mihajlovo, Tomaševac, Stajićevo, Orlovat, Čenta, Farkaždin, Perlez and Belo Blato.