The Movement of Mountains and the Center of Volunteers Pančevo in the work on the realization of the Project “Eko Tamiš – New Tourism Product”, approved by IPA, took on it a complex and comprehensive task. The task is to promote and develop something new in the zone of Potamisja from the border of Serbia with Romania to the mouth of the Tamis in the Danube. It was always, at all times and in all places, a difficult and painstaking job. It required vision, energy, and persistence, and these qualities were not always appreciated in this area.

What is new about the activists of the Movement of Mountains and the Center of Volunteers Pančevo with their partners, the Regional Chamber of Commerce Pančevo, the Association of Miltonians and the Association for the Development and Promotion of Tourism in the County of Tamiš? It is new to recognize the new needs of users of tourist services of this time. A new approach to tourism is new, a new combination of holidays, physical activity, travel, ecology and education.

Why do we say NEW?
Because in these turbulent times with too much technology and lack of enjoyment in free time, it is precisely this free time and tourist and recreational needs that are becoming increasingly important components in everyday life.

Tourists of this time are searching for new stimuli, they want to find some new experiences and quality through ambience, aesthetics and atmosphere. These new trends in the tourism services market affect the emergence of tourism of special interests that differ from mass tourism in that there is a focus on new forms that have the potential to meet the needs of tourists and hosts, including these new forms and EKO TOURISM, tourism that seeks to protect middle. and AVANTURISTIC TOURISM, as a kind of sub-type of ecotourism that represents a blend of nature, sports, rural and cultural tourism.

ECOTOURISM AND AVANTURISTIC TOURISM include and combine the physical activity of tourists, cultural exchange and interaction and contact with nature. And while in developed countries this form of holiday use has long had its devotees, it can be said that it is in our country in the womb
and this is why the mission of the project’s bearers is even greater and more important.

EKO TOURISM (“eco” = acronym from ‘ecological’) takes place in uninhabited natural areas and represents a form of tourism that seeks to protect the environment, improve the quality of life of the local population and educate visitors.

In this study will be presented a unique combination of theoretical analysis and practical activities to increase the possibility of forming a new tourist product and its implementation in the tourist region of the region.