Glogonj is a village located in the territory of Pančevo, in the South Banat District of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, in the Republic of Serbia. According to the final results of the 2011 census, there are 3012 inhabitants in Glogon.

It is located in the northwestern part of Pančevo, 20 km away from Pančevo. It is located at an altitude of 75 m at the contact of the alluvial plane of the Tamiš River and the Banat wood terrace. It belongs to the group of coastal settlement settlements and borders with settlement settlements: Sefkerin, Crepaja, Jabuka and the city of Belgrade.

Regarding the relief Glogonj extends to two morphological units: the alluvial level of Tamiš and the wooden terrace. The alluvial plane occupies the lowest parts of the atari lying between the left bank of Tamiš and the part of the Banat wood terrace at an altitude of 73 m.

The wooden terrace occupies the largest part of Glogon with an altitude of 75-79 m. In the Glogon area, significant amounts of groundwater as well as surface flows are recorded, and Glogonj supplies water from three wells at a depth of 96 meters.

In the territory of Glogon, Timiş has a small fall, which is the reason for his twisting, arisen and dead. Its high water level creates a risk of frequent flooding. In the area of ​​atoll Glogonja prevalent in the structure of the soil is chernozem carbonate, ritual blackness and mildew slaughtered or with slaughtered spots, as well as the solitary ground solonets around Tamiš.