Pečena slatina Baranda
Over 160 species of birds have been recorded at this site. The most common types of wetland habitats, as birds of meadow and steppe habitats.
A significant number of these species are from the red list of endangered species.
At this location, nests, spring and autumn migrations, winter guests, breeding colonies of all European species of herons, ibis (Pegadis falcinellus) and a small sparrow (Microcarbo pygmeus), the southernmost breeding ground of the Schwarzmagnole (Acrocephalus melanopogon), breeding grounds Populations are bruised in the genus Senor (Panurus biarmicus), the worm (and the red-headed nigricollis (Podiceps nigricollis) significant at the national level, as well as the significant migratory cell of the gardens (Grus grus).
This is one of the most important biodiversity wetlands in Serbia. Population size and number of types of fluctuations depending on seasonal climatic conditions.